Key dates
Please see the County Council for more detailed information on the admissions process. Click here…
- 4th November – parents can start to apply
- 15th January – closing date for on-time applications
- 16th April – allocation day: letters sent (by second class post) and emails sent detailing the offer of a school place
- May – deadline for submitting response form, continued interest forms, late applications and changes of preference (check OCC website for dates once published)
- June – second allocation round: letters sent after first run of continued interest list and late applications (check OCC website for dates once published)
- September – start of the school year
The School Induction Process
Summer Term
- Once places have been offered and accepted we will plan a meeting for parents to meet the teachers and to find out about our school.
- We have open afternoons for visits to the class. From 1.30 to 2.30 throughout the last term we have an open hour for you to visit with your child. All we ask is that you ring in the morning or book in advance as it is limited to 4 places. This allows you to come and familiarise yourself and your child with the classroom and the school. You can come as many times as you like, you know your child best and so will know how many visits they will need.
- We also have a 'move up afternoon' in July where the whole school move up to their new classes. On this afternoon we invite all the children who will be starting in Reception in September to come to school and visit for the afternoon. Parents do not stay for this visit. It is a good opportunity for the children to spend time with their new classmates, teacher and TA and familiarise themselves with what will be their new classroom.
- We offer home visits for approximately 20 minutes to any families who are new to the school. The class teacher and/or a teaching assistant will visit you and your child at home. This gives you and your child an opportunity to ask any questions before they actually start.
- The first day for the children will be for just a morning.
- The second day children will stay for the morning and also stay to lunch.
- The third day children are in full time.
If you feel your child may need a longer settling in period then please speak to the headteacher in the summer term.