
Hagbourne CofE Primary School

'Be the best you can be'



The school uniform shows that pupils belong to our school community and should be worn with pride. All children should wear our uniform when attending school, on their way to and from school or when participating in school-organised events.


School uniform:


  • promotes a sense of pride
  • engenders a feeling of community and belonging
  • is practical and smart
  • identifies the students with the school
  • ensures students feel equal in terms of appearance


It is essential that all items of clothing are clearly marked with your child’s name, in the case of footwear please mark both shoes.  Articles of jewellery must be removed before sports activities and will not be allowed if any hazard to other pupils is presented by such items (members of staff are not obliged to accept responsibility for valuables brought to school by the children).




  • No jewellery (one pair of studded earrings and a watch are permitted)
  • No coloured hair
  • No tight fitting trousers
  • No extreme hair cuts or tram lines
  • No large hair accessories
  • No makeup or nail varnish


SECOND HAND UNIFORM is sold for a small donation regularly throughout the school year or if required sooner then please contact the PTA by email: or alternatively contact the school office:

A range of sizes are usually available. 






  • Grey trousers or grey skirt/culottes
  • White shirt or white blouse
  • School tie
  • Royal blue jumper* or cardigan* with the school name
  • Grey, white or black socks or tights
  • Black shoes (not trainers, boots or shoes with high heels)



  • White shirt (short or long sleeved)
  • No tie
  • Grey trousers, skirt/culottes or shorts
  • OR Blue and white checked dress
  • Royal blue jumper* or cardigan* with the school name
  • White, black or grey socks
  • Black shoes (not trainers, boots, shoes with high heels or sandals)



  • Blue polo shirt
  • Navy blue shorts
  • OR Navy blue PLAIN jogging bottoms or leggings (may be needed in winter)
  • Navy blue Hagbourne sweatshirt* or PLAIN navy blue sweatshirt
  • Trainers
  • For safety reasons earrings must be removed and long hair tied back
  • Swimming kit to include a swimsuit/shorts (not bermuda style), towel and swimming hat (Reception class, year 1 and 2 swim in terms 5 and 6; years 3-6 swim in terms 1 and 6)





  • Navy jogging bottoms/leggings
  • White polo shirt
  • Royal blue jumper* or cardigan*
  • Grey or white socks



  • Plain white polo shirt
  • Navy tracksuit bottoms/leggings or navy shorts
  • OR  mid-blue checked summer dress (same as older children)
  • Plain white or grey socks


** Winter uniform is required after the October Half-term and Summer uniform is required after the Easter break.


*School jumpers, cardigans and PE jumpers are available from Trutex Didcot, 14 Cockcroft Road, OXON OX11 8LL. Tel: 01235 211011. These are the only branded uniform items. All other items can be bought from any supermarket or clothing outlet. Please note that there are plenty of branded items in the second hand uniform shop. 


Ties are optional for year 1 and NOT needed for Reception children


Please contact the office if you have any difficulties in paying for uniform as support may be available. 
