'Be the best you can be'
At Hagbourne, we aim to give every child the opportunity to experience and enjoy music in all forms. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children. All children (from reception to year 6) listen to a wide variety of musical styles and are encouraged to use musical vocabulary when analysing it. Throughout their time at Hagbourne, children will develop their musical knowledge and skills from one year to the next.
Practical music making forms a key part of music lessons and children will play glockenspiels and untuned percussion instruments throughout Reception and KS1 adding keyboard skills in KS2. Also in KS2, they will also have the opportunity to learn the recorder (in year 3); cornet or baritone (year 4) and violin or cello (in year 5) as part of the First Access programme through the Oxfordshire Music Service.
Performances are encouraged and appreciated throughout the school and children are provided with opportunities to perform as classes as well as in groups and individually.