'Be the best you can be'
Welcome to the PTA section.
The Team
The PTA is made up of three Trustees, these Trustees are all parents of children at the school:
Chair – Michelle Bowden
Treasurer – Leanne Longland
Secretary – Dominique McCann
The Trustees are supported by a larger team, also all parents from the school:
Katherine Adams, Vicky French, Laura Lloyd, Nicola Hutchings, Gemma Malin and Sarah Payne.
What is the PTA?
The PTA is a registered charity and has an elected committee of three parents to act as Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. The PTA meets every term to discuss issues affecting parents at the school and upcoming events organised by the PTA.
What does the PTA do?
The PTA runs various events during the course of the school year, including discos for the children and secondhand uniform sales. It also puts on other events both for social and for fundraising.
Through the PTA, Hagbourne parents and carers have raised thousands of pounds and provided the school with much-needed resources. In recent years the money raised has helped the school;
How can I get involved?
All parents and carers at Hagbourne School are members of the PTA and are welcome to all meetings. However, we are always keen to grow our support group. Please get in touch if you would like to join us, whether that be as a regular support member or if you would like to help with running any of our future events.
Contact Us
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/ptahagbourne/
Email pta@hagbourne.oxon.sch.uk
Vicky French, Sarah Payne, Katherine Adams, Laura Lloyd, Michelle Bowden, Dominique McCann, Gemma Malin, Leanne Longland
To get involved and find out how you could help us or just find out more about us, please get in touch.
pta@hagbourne.oxon.sch.uk or www.facebook.com/groups/ptahagbourne
If you see us around school, come up and say hello!