
Hagbourne CofE Primary School

'Be the best you can be'

Admissions to Reception – Year 6

Children joining the school in Years R – 6


Admissions to school are made through Oxfordshire County Council Admissions Team. Please contact the school office in the first instance to check place availability.


You will need to apply for a place by completing an In-Year Transfer form. For more information about In-Year Transfers please click here


If you are interested in your child coming to our school, please get in touch and make an appointment to come and look round.


We welcome children transferring from other schools and work very hard to ensure that they settle in as quickly as possible.


Starting school for the first time

If your child is starting school for the first time, you must follow the Oxfordshire County Council admissions process.


Applications are mostly made on-line although paper copies can still be submitted. The application process usually opens sometime in October and the deadline is normally mid January. If you need help with your application please contact the school office.


Information on how to apply for a Reception Class place can be found on the County Website. Please click here.

