
Hagbourne CofE Primary School

'Be the best you can be'





At Hagbourne, we have a committed staff who work hard to provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment with exciting learning opportunities.  Within our Christian ethos we foster a love of learning along with developing a ‘toolkit’ of strategies, knowledge and understanding to prepare our children for the opportunities, challenge, responsibilities and experiences of life. We encourage them to overcome difficulties and see mistakes as a vital part of the the learning journey. 


Our values are derived from the story of The Good Samaritan and are referred to on a daily basis: they underpin everything we do. Care, courage, respect and responsibility create a wonderful ethos and a nurturing environment where we encourage the children and staff to be the best that they can be with the understanding that one person's best may look very different to another.


'The strength of the school’s values is reflected in pupils’ good behaviour and positive attitudes. The school is held in high regard by parents, who particularly appreciate the school’s strong community spirit.' Ofsted June 2019


I feel privileged to be part of the Hagbourne family of  hard-working, caring, committed children, parents, governors and staff.


We hope our website gives you the information you need but please contact the school office if you would like to know more. Visits to our school our warmly encouraged; to arrange a visit please contact the school office. We look forward to seeing you soon.


Mrs Nicola Dobson




Please note that copies of documents on this website can be made available from the school office on request.
