
Hagbourne CofE Primary School

'Be the best you can be'


At Hagbourne CE Primary School we are very lucky to have an active and enthusiastic team of governors. Like most governing boards, the team is made up of Parent Governors (elected by parents of the school), Staff Governors (both teaching and non-teaching staff), Local Authority Governors (appointed by the Local Authority, LA), Foundation Governors (appointed by the Diocese or local church), and Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Governing Body).


Our Governing Body can be contacted by email at  


Below is a list of all the current school governors:


Governor Name

Governor Type

Term of office

Special Role

Mrs Jemma Dyson (Chair)


01/04/24 to 21/05/27


Rvd. Jason St. John Nicolle 

Ex-Officio Foundation



Mrs Nicky Dobson




Mrs Joanna Passey


01/04/24 to 31/03/28


Miss Holly Mundy


03/09/23 to 02/09/27


Mr Christopher Powell


01/04/24 to 12/12/26


Mr Gary McIntyre


01/04/24 to 06/07/25


Mr Sean Dingley


01/04/24 to 11/07/26


Dr Ludovic Letourner


14/10/22 to 13/10/26


Mrs Erin Buxton


06/03/23 to 05/05/27

Mr Steve Nicholson Parent10/5/24 to 9/5/28 

Associate members


Mrs Sarah-Jane Lewis

Deputy Headteacher



Our governors are usually appointed for a four year term of office.  Each governor can be re-elected or re-appointed at the end of their term, except parent and staff governors who must be elected by the parent and staff of the school respectively.


Governance Information

Hagbourne Church of England Primary School joined the Ridgeway Education Trust
(RET) on 1st May 2024, as an academy school in part of the wider Multi Academy
Trust (MAT). 


Ridgeway Education Trust is run by a Board of Directors which has ultimate
responsibility for running each academy within its structure and for setting the
vision for schools within the MAT. You can find out more about Governance in the
Trust by clicking this link.

Each school retains its own Local Governing Body which includes representatives
from the Church, staff, parents and members of the local community appointed for
their particular skills and experience.

The schools in the MAT share the core values of high-quality teaching and learning,
respectful relationships and an inclusive community. These underpin the Trust’s
continuing development and support its commitment to excellence.

The Local Governing Body meets as a whole at least five times a year, and is focused
on setting the School’s values, vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies
and making creative use of our resources.  The role of the governors is to provide
the best possible education for their pupils by:

  • Monitoring and evaluating performance and acting as a ‘critical friend’ to the headteacher  to support and challenge them in managing the school.
  • Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents we serve as well as to the staff we employ, the local community and RET.

Our Governors are all volunteers and are willing to use their individual skills to
collectively support the work of the school. Each member of the Governing Board
attends Full Governing Board meetings and are responsible for monitoring their
particular area and feeding back to the main body.


Minutes of Governors meetings

Minutes of the governors meetings can be obtained by contacting the school office
or RET Governance Team on


Supplemental Funding Agreement found here
