
Hagbourne CofE Primary School

'Be the best you can be'


Staff at Hagbourne are committed to ensuring that our school is a fully inclusive, happy environment where children are nurtured and supported to achieve excellence. As such, children are offered the same opportunities and included in all school activities regardless of their area of additional need. 


Research projects

Last year we participated in a project called WE SEND. This was a process of self-evaluation, peer review and local collaboration. It is about shining a light on best practice and supporting schools to work together on areas for development. We are continuing to work in this way with local schools.


We have also been working on a research programme called MITA (Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants). We have had 2 INSET days based around these principles and have been particularly focused on the area of 'scaffolding'. 


What does inclusive learning look like at Hagbourne? 

Every day we aim to enable all learners to achieve by considering the following:


Quality first teaching: The most qualified oversees teaching for the children who need the highest support.

All classes have a visual timetable that is used to show the routine of every day.

Use of concrete and pictorial representations where appropriate.


Multi-sensory teaching approaches.

Challenge for all:


Questioning gets children to think hard.

Use of tools/ scaffolding 


Children are given clear and precise instructions and given the least amount of help first to encourage independence.

All staff are given clear information to support learning.

Active and engaging learning.

Ideally, children should not have to sit and listen for long periods of time.

Assessment for learning means lessons are pitched effectively. 

Identify and act upon gaps in learning. 

Feedback moves learning on. 

Appropriate feedback for the learner (e.g. verbal, visual or simple next step).

Interventions should be measurable and show impact!


Same day intervention where possible.

Parent and child voice. SEND Pupil Profiles are reviewed regularly with parents and children involved.

Outside agency advice is used to support learning where appropriate/ necessary.


Special Educational Needs Staff

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo)  is Mrs Jo Hudson.

Our SEND link Governor is Joanna Passey.

We have two Nurture & Emotional Support Teaching Assistants –  Anna Breeze and Carrie Jones.


If you ever have any questions, queries or concerns about your child please do not hesitate to talk to our SENDCo or Headteacher. Just ring the office to make an appointment.

If you have any complaints about the school's SEND support for your child then please contact our SENDCo or the Headteacher. If after this you feel that it has not been resolved then please follow the school's complaint procedure.


The documents below provide more detail about our approach to supporting pupils with SEND. There are also some useful links for parents and carers. 


Oxfordshire Local SEND offer


What is autism? 


What is dyslexia?


The ADHD iceburg




Education Health and Care Plans


40 Positive ways to ask about a child's day

